Where, but in the great outdoors, can a boy hear the midnight hush of the deep woods...breathe the sweetness of distant wood-smoke...look down in awe at where he’s been, and look up in wonder at where he still must go...glimpse the deer drinking at first light...watch eagles soaring in a cloudless sky...feel the warmth of the campfire as it glows orange against the thickening darkness...and at the end of a long day, hear the hooting owl under a sky flashing with stars? Who can say that in such an atmosphere a boy’s mind is not reached, his faith not freshened, or his heart not stirred? Or that, in ways that are a mystery to us all, he will not grow closer to the man he is becoming? When you witness these experiences that help start a young boy on his journey into manhood, who can say that you his guide and mentor, will not be changed in some small way, as well? To be a part of that experience is one of the greatest rewards that adults can reap from their leadership roles in the Boy Scouts of America. Don’t miss out– share the adventures of Scout camping with your unit today!
You have reached the home of the official Guneukitschik Lodge 317 Where to Go Camping Guide.